Chef Dashboard

This wire-frame is a content management system dashboard which the Chef, who is the owner of the site, can login to view information about recipes submitted on his website. The chef can edit, delete, view, skip, save and publish recipes through the dashboard.

A web page dashboard, a WireFrame with no colors besides white and gray. Sections of webpage include latest recipes, continue viewing,and all recipes. Recipe view, with the title clam soup, a WireFrame with no colors besides white and gray. With an edit button and the information of the recipe. Recipe edit, a WireFrame with no colors besides white and gray. Details of clam soup are displayed here and are editable in a textbox. Publish recipe page, a WireFrame with no colors besides white and gray. web page compares information of old and newly edited recipe. Options to publish are here. Publish succsessful message, a WireFrame with no colors besides white and gray. Recipe saved message, a WireFrame with no colors besides white and gray. skip recipe notification, a WireFrame with no colors besides white and gray. skip recipe notification, a WireFrame with no colors besides white and gray.