Developer Projects

These projects are finished, coded and functional. You can either view the Web Project live or view the git repository on github.


Canadian Vision Care Wordpress Child Theme Website

Website for Canadian Vision Care. Website functionality includes a volunteer system, form submissions, and donations. Built using a wordpress custom child theme, with custom pages, custom post types, custom widgets, and custom loops. Design prototype of the website can be found here.

Tools Used

  • Sass
  • PHP
  • Html 5
  • CSS
  • WordPress
  • MySQL

PHP Mountains App

This is a CRUD Web App with Login and Search capability.The Mountain list can be filtered on the homepage and features pagination. Logged in users can access an admin page and add, update and delete mountains.

Tools Used

  • PHP
  • Mysql
  • Sass
  • Bootstrap
  • Html 5
  • CSS

React To Do App

This is a Asynchronous CRUD Web App that stores each users to-do list. Built with React and Cloud Firestore. Functionality of this web app includes: Client and server side validation with easy user experience error messages. Sign in options include a google provider and standard email. Give it a try and sign in with an email, no need to provide a real one. You can also login with the google provider.

Tools Used

  • React
  • Next.js
  • Styled Components
  • FireBase
  • Html 5
  • CSS

Portfolio Website

The website you are currently visiting. This website was built with Sass, jquery and html. CSS follows the BEM naming convention. NPM was used to install Squoosh for image optimization,SVCGO was used for svg lynting and the Command Line/Browser Sync was used for Sass compiling.

Skills section of this website. Dark blue colors, white background, and skills search with a magnifying glass and  logo symbols of tools like PHP and HTML. Aqua colored guide-lines in the background frame content.

Tools Used

  • Sass
  • Jquery
  • Html 5
  • CSS
  • Adobe Xd
  • NPM

Wedding Website

A wedding website. The location page uses Asynchronous Js to retrieve hotel information. The location page also has google maps imbeded into the webpage.

Webpage that says lauren wozny and sean o'brien on it. Color scheme is aqua and the background has wine and corkscrew outlines.

Tools Used

  • Sass
  • JavaScript
  • Html 5
  • CSS
  • Adobe Xd
  • PhotoShop
  • NPM

Adaptable Outdoors Wordpress Site

This website is a team project created with two other classmates. After graduation I continued volunteer work by adding functionality and creating a user manual. Used Understap as a baseline and created our own child theme . Custom post pages for volunteers and participants. Events plugin-in to allow client to create event postings. Website allows visitors to donate on donation page. custom content like images, text, etc. can be added through Advanced Custom Fields.

Wordpress Dashboard with a variety of options. Page says Volunteers and text lists fishing, paddling, hiking and fundraising.

Tools Used

  • Sass
  • PHP
  • Html 5
  • CSS
  • Adobe Xd
  • WordPress
  • MySQL