About Me

Web Developer that can deliver web applications and websites to clients with a team or alone. Focus on Accessibility, Responsive design, and Best practices. Projects created through pre-designing, wire-framing, and then coding. Constantly learning and seeking out the latest in web development innovations. Acquired Diploma in web development studying at the Northern Alberta Institute of technology. Strong skills in interacting and communicating with team.

Scroll down to explore my project portfolio or look at my list of skills. You can even send me a message at the bottom of the page.

Project Portfolio

  • Adobe Xd
  • Bootstrap
  • C-sharp
  • CSS
  • Git Hub
  • HTML 5
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • JQuery
  • Javascript
  • Microsoft Sql Server
  • MySql
  • Figma
  • NPM
  • PhotoShop
  • PHP
  • React
  • Sass
  • WordPress
  • FireBase

Contact me

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