Chef Recipe Submission

This wireframe details the step by step screens a user will see when submitting their own recipe. The screens are in the order the user would see.

Anthony's recipes home page design. A WireFrame with no colors besides white and gray. Submit recipe page, step one,a WireFrame with no colors besides white and gray. A Web form that asks for a title. Submit step 2, a WireFrame with no colors besides white and gray. A Web form that asks for a recipe description. Submit step 3, a WireFrame with no colors besides white and gray. A Web form that asks for recipe ingredients. Submit step 4, a WireFrame with no colors besides white and gray. A Web form that asks for a recipe instructions. Submit step 5, a WireFrame with no colors besides white and gray. A Web form that asks for recipe cook and prep time. Submit recipe final review, a WireFrame with no colors besides white and gray. A Web form that asks for a to review previous information given. Submission successful message, a WireFrame with no colors besides white and gray.